Vehicle Dent Repair

We know that even the smallest ding can cause you major aggravation. Dents can reduce the value of your vehicle, result in high return fees for lease cars and they may even cause a safety concern if the dent is sharp or has caused a panel to become displaced.
Modern car designs are becoming increasingly complex, with more curves, creases and swage lines; this can make it difficult to reshape panels after an impact. At DDV we have extensive experience in repairing dents, we have developed efficient techniques and invested in specialist tools and equipment.
We use vehicle repair methods developed and tested by Thatcham Research, the UK's leading automotive research centre to decide if a panel is safe to repair. They are designed to ensure that vehicles are repaired safely and efficiently, while maintaining their pre-accident safety standards. We try to avoid replacement panels if possible but some panels are beyond safe repair. If your car does require replacement panels we can source replacement parts, colour code (respray to the correct colour for your car) code and fit them.
Our friendly team are available to answer any questions you might have repairing a dent on your vehicle.